Dear Friends of Restorative Partners,
As Fall unfolds, the change of colors reminds me of the many bright and bold ways you have bridged the gap in our mission of transforming lives impacted by crime through healing services and relationships. Thank you so much for your generous and ongoing support.
With your help this past year, we opened The Bridge Café, the first social enterprise restaurant in the County located in downtown San Luis Obispo. Our goal is to provide a positive encounter between our clients, local community members, business, government and law enforcement communities. And it has done just that!
Hannah, a survivor of human trafficking, sexual assault and involvement with the criminal justice system, began her healing journey with us in our recovery home and mentorship program. In February we hired her as a barista and cashier for the café. Within a few weeks of her start, Hannah stepped forward to take a customer’s order. When their eyes met, she instantly recognized him as the prosecuting attorney who had sentenced her to our County Jail, and whom she had not seen since their day in court. He graciously spoke up and said, “Oh, this is a much better place to meet, don’t you think?” Hannah smiled and her eyes filled up with tears nodding in agreement. I happened to be standing by when this all took place and after the brief encounter was over, Hannah came over to me and exclaimed, “I feel like I am no longer the sum of my worst moments. He saw me as a person and it felt so healing.”
We continue to do our transforming work in custody at Juvenile Hall and at California Men's Colony/CMC and through our Drop-in Resource Center offering wraparound services to hundreds of people seeking recovery and permanent housing, substance abuse treatment, assistance with obtaining right to work docs, employment, and transportation. We also provide five Reentry/Recovery homes housing 45-50 men, women and women with children every night of the calendar year. Please refer to our 2019-2023 impact report to learn more about our successes and continued difference you help us make in transforming lives.
With a heart full of gratitude, I invite you to consider making a gift to Restorative Partners during this Fall Appeal. Please click the orange donate button below to share your gift with us today. Consider becoming a monthly or quarterly giver with special news alerts about our expanding programs and services and ways to get involved. May you be blessed abundantly for your generosity and support.
Sister Theresa Harpin, CSJ
Executive Director